Keynote lecture by Anna Tsing - October 20, 2016

Others without history:

plants as agility-shifting actors in the trajectory of capitalism

Colonial plantations remade human nature, setting in motion the forms of “race” we know today.  Plantations also remade the nature of other organisms, and not just through breeding.  Pests, weeds, and pathogens changed their habits of growth and reproduction in the plantation, and some developed newly virulent trajectories as “creatures of empire.”Read more

GCGS Research Day - October 20, 2016

The annual Research Day of the Ghent Centre for Global Studies aims to bring together all (junior and senior) researchers of its affiliated research groups, for an interdisciplinary dialogue on common research themes, different approaches and theoretical perspectives. The organizing committee of pre- and postdocs of the GCGS will offer 4 interdisciplinary workshops (2 parallel morning and afternoon sessions) on the following topics:

  1. The ultimatum of climate change: re-thinking climate and energy governance
  2. Debating global citizenship: on cosmopolitanism and human rights
  3. Global commodities: transforming the local?
  4. Mobilities, borders, immobilities Read more

New publication: Las luchas sociales por la tierra en América Latina: Un análisis histórico, comparativo y global.

On June 24th and 25th, 2015, the CCC research group, as member of the Ghent Centre for Global Studies, co-organized an international conference on "Social Struggles for Land in Latin America: An Historical, Comparative and Global Perspective", together with the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Peru) and the Red Muqui – Proposal and Action Network (Peru), at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, in the city of Lima. The conference aimed to create a more profound dialogue between researchers, institutions, social organizations and rural communities, between historical and contemporary perspectives, and between comparative (cases of different countries) and global views, on change and continuity in rural Latin America.
The contributions to the conference are now brought together in a new publication, co-edited by the Ghent Centre for Global Studies:
Cottyn, Hanne, Jahncke, Javier, Montoya, Luis, Pérez, Ela, and Mattes Tempelmann (eds.) (2016). Las luchas sociales por la tierra en América Latina: Un análisis histórico, comparativo y global. Conference proceedings. Lima: Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.

Download the full text here.

Caratula abril2016

Public Lecture Series 2016

Critical perspectives on a globalizing world


The interdisciplinary Ghent Centre for Global Studies at Ghent University has the honour of inviting you to the public lecture series on Frontiers of Globalisation, in which leading international scholars from different disciplines will offer critical perspectives on the dynamics of people, place and power in today’s globalizing world. Resource extraction, migration, urbanization and commodification are explored as essential frontier processes in shaping that world. The lectures engage with contemporary debates on the rush on resources, the refugee ‘crisis’, urban conflict, and ecological crisis.

  • Wednesday February 24, 14h00-15h30: Professor Michael Eilenberg (Aarhus University) on Resource Extraction and Sovereignty in Asia.
  • Wednesday April 20, 14h00-15h30: Professor Ahmed Kanna (University of the Pacific) on Urban Counterinsurgency.
  • Monday May 2, 14h00-15h30: Professor Jason Moore (Binghamton University) on Ecology and the Accumulation of Capital.
  • Rescheduled: Thursday May 26, 12h30-14h00: Professor Charles Watters (University of Sussex) on Refugees in Contemporary Europe.


Global Studies Research Seminar - Spring 2016

Critical Global Studies - Frontiers of Globalisation: an inter-/transdisciplinary approach

The Research Seminar of the Ghent Centre for Global Studies is on offer as a specialist course of the Doctoral Schools of Ghent University. The Global Studies Research Seminar provides doctoral students whose research is situated in, or related to, the field of Global Studies in‐depth and advanced training in contemporary critical Global Studies, and theory and methodology in related fields, such as Postcolonial and Subaltern Studies, International Studies, EU Studies, Area Studies, Conflict Studies, etc., next to general scholarly skills such as reading, writing, discussing and presenting.


The programme for spring 2016 is developed around the concepts of “frontier” and “frontier zones” in Global Studies. Across disciplinary lines, the “frontier” concept enables Global Studies scholars to link the local and the global, not by starting at the global level, but by departing from the frontier process itself. The programme integrates interdisciplinary approaches and will be taught by professors of the Ghent Centre for Global Studies, in tandem with international guest lecturers from different areas of Global Studies research.


To register, go to and login with CAS (for UGhent students and staff) or as a free user. Select “inschrijven op cursussen”, search for the course “Global Studies Research Seminar” (course code X000363) and register.

This course is equivalent to 3 ECTS credits (for Master students and students from outside Ghent University).

To complete your registration, please send us a short CV (2 pages) and motivation (max. 250 words) to

The deadline for registration is February 5.

Time and location

All sessions are organized on Tuesday afternoon, 14h-17h.

Facultaire Vergaderzaal Decaan John Vincke
Faculty of Political and Social Sciences
Korte Meer 5 (1st floor), 9000 Gent

Format and requirements

Each seminar session will discuss a concrete application of the frontier concept on a specific research topic of common interest in the Ghent Centre of Global Studies. Each session will be composed of two parts: a) introductory lecturers by the GCGS professor and the international guest speaker in which the required reading is introduced, followed by Q&A, and b) group discussions based on the required reading and moderated by a GCGS professor.

All students are expected to participate actively during the discussions in all five seminars. (If motivated, absence in a 2 seminars will be allowed; however papers remain compulsory).

Readings and announcements will be available on Zephyr.


Introductory session. Tuesday 16/2/2016, 14h-17h.

Chris Parker (Middle East and North Africa Research Group) and Eric Vanhaute (Communities Comparisons Connections)

1. Frontiers of Land Control. Tuesday 23/2/2016, 14h-17h.

Michael Eilenberg (Aarhus University)Jeroen Adam (Conflict Research Group); Giselle Corradi (Human Rights Centre)

RESCHEDULED! 2. Flight and Frontier. Wednesday 25/5/2016, 15h-18h. Academieraadzaal Law Faculty (Voldersstraat 3)

Charles Watters (University of Sussex, U.K.); Frank Caestecker (Communities Comparisons Connections); Ilse Derluyn (Centre for Children in Vulnerable Situations).

3. Cities as Frontier Zones. Tuesday 19/4/2016, 14h-17h.

Ahmed Kanna (University of the Pacific, U.S.A.)Ben Derudder (Social and Economic Geography); Koenraad Bogaert (Middle East and North Africa Research Group)

4. Commodity Frontiers. Tuesday 3/5/2016, 14h-17h.

Jason Moore (Binghamton University); Eric Vanhaute (Communities Comparisons Connections); Boris Verbrugge (Conflict Research Group)

5. At the Frontiers of the Market: Global Trade Regimes and Global Governance. Tuesday 17/5/2016, 14h-17h.

Ferdi De Ville (Centre for EU Studies); Glenn Rayp (Study Hive for Economic Research and Public Policy Analysis); Tom Claes (Centre for Ethics and Value Inquiry)

EMGS - call for applications 2016

Erasmus Mundus Master Global Studies

The Ghent Centre for Global Studies would like to draw your attention to the Erasmus Mundus Master 'Global Studies - A European Perspective' (EMGS). The application round for the Erasmus Mundus grant will open on January 15, 2016. We encourage all suitable candidates to apply for the programme.

Read more

International Summer School - June 30-July 2, 2016

Connectivity and Change: Regimes, Conflicts and Revolutions in Global Perspectives

Call for applications. Deadline: December 31, 2015

The Ghent Centre for Global Studies and the History Research Group Communities, Comparisons, connections are pleased to announce that Ghent University will host this International Global Studies Summer School, from June 30 to July 2, 2016, co-organised by the European Network of Universal and Global History, the Ghent Centre for Global Studies, the Ghent University History Department, the International Research Center 'Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History' (re:work), the Graduate School 'Global and Area Studies' of the University of Leipzig and Labex transferS in Paris. Read more

Call for papers - WHA annual conference, Ghent, July 2-5, 2016

Global conflict & Transformation of the global countryside

The research group Communities, Comparisons, Connections of the Department of History and the Ghent Centre for Global Studies are proud to announce that Ghent University will host the next annual conference of the World History Association, from July 2 to 5, 2016. The conference's 2 main themes are "Global conflict" and "Transformation of the global countryside." Read more

Keynote lecture by Edmé Dominguez - Research Day, October 29

Gendering globalisation: processes and resistances.

Some examples from Latin America regarding trade, labour and migration.

The GCGS is proud to announce that professor Edmé Dominguez of the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, will give the keynote lecture at the GCGS annual Research Day, on October 29, at the Ghent University Conference Centre, Het Pand (Zaal Vermeylen, 1-2pm).Read more

Research Day - October 29, 2015

Rethinking Global Connections

On Thursday October 29, 2015, the Ghent Centre for Global Studies will hold its annual Research Day at the Ghent University conference centre, Het Pand. Junior and senior researchers of the GCGS will meet for interdisciplinary debates in 4 workshops: 1) Rethinking trade: markets, rights and values; 2) Migration and the dynamics of in- and exclusion: connecting research on macro-, meso-, and micro-levels; 3) Beyond transfer: new concepts and approaches; 4) The colonial present: unsettling global epistemologies and methodologies. We are proud to announce that Edmé Dominguez of the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, will give the keynote lecture on Gendering globalisation.