Lectures by Philippe Le Prestre - October 13 & November 10, 2015

Global Environmental Governance

The Ghent Institute for International Studies, the Centre for EU Studies, and the Ghent Centre for Global Studies are pleased to announce the lecture series and PhD training on Global Environmental Governance: analytical questions and policy implications by Professor Philippe Le Prestre (Laval University), international Francqui professor chair, hosted by the Université Saint-Louis, ULB and UGent.Read more

The Third World and Global Studies

A personal testimony by Prof. em. Werner Cornelis (Ecologist and Third World scholar) at the occasion of the creation of the Ghent Centre for Global Studies

First published in Dutch in: Vlaams-Marxistisch Tijdschrift, 48 (2014) 3.

Following the recent creation of the “Ghent Centre for Global Studies” at Ghent University (UGent), Belgium, this paper aims to contribute to the study of the Third World in its relation to Global Studies, based upon an experience of fifty years with Third World issues. In this contribution we will elaborate the way in which we approached the Third World in the 1950s and 1960s, from the point of view of a Western university education and the then prevailing “classical” development and modernisation theories. Our extensive experiences in the field and new events and findings gradually moved us in another direction – towards a more “global” thinking.  Read more

Seminar by Oliva Rutazibwa (University of Portsmouth), April 3, 2015

Decolonizing knowledge production

Studying Agaciro: Moving Beyond Wilsonian Interventionist Knowledge Production (on Rwanda).

The Middle East and North Africa Research Group and the Conflict Research Group kindly invite you to this research seminar in its series on “Methods and Ethics in Fieldwork”. In this series national and international guests share their “story behind the findings” with researchers from different departments, to have a profound reflection on methodological and ethical questions in performing empirical research.Read more

GCGS joins Erasmus Mundus Master Global Studies

The Ghent Centre for Global Studies is proud to announce that Ghent University has joined the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Global Studies: A European Perspective (EMGS), co-ordinated by the University of Leipzig. This international research-based Master is combining perspectives, methods and theories developed in history, the social sciences, cultural as well as area studies and economics to investigate phenomena of global connectedness.Read more

Public Lecture Series 2015


The interdisciplinary Ghent Centre for Global Studies and the Conflict Research Group of the Department of Conflict and Development Studies at Ghent University have the honor of inviting you to their joint public lecture series on Global Interventions, in which leading international scholars will offer critical perspectives on global security and justice.

  • Friday March 13: Professor Mary Kaldor (London School of Economics) on Global Security, Cosmopolitan Security
  • Friday April 3: Professor Dorothea Hilhorst (Wageningen University) on Humanitarian Interventions
  • Friday April 24: Professor David Chandler (University of Westminster) on Rethinking Global Interventions

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Lecture by Robert Kargon (Johns Hopkins University) - March 11, 2015

Exporting the Entrepreneurial University:

MIT and Its World Wide Reach since 1950

At the invitation of the Department of History and the Ghent Centre for Global Studies, Prof. Robert Kargon of Johns Hopkins University will give a talk in the hot topic lecture series of the UGent Doctoral Schools.

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Call for papers - interdisciplinary conference - June 24-25, Lima

Social Struggles for Land in Latin America

A historical, comparative and global analysis

On June 24 and 25, 2015, the Communities, Comparisons and Connections Research Group of the Ghent Centre for Global Studies will hold an interdisciplinary conference, bringing together academic researchers and social and indigenous organizations, in Lima (Peru), co-organized by the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and the Red Muqui–Proposal and Action Network. Read more

Discussion seminar with Jamie Allinson - December 16, 2014

Revolution and Counter-Revolution:

the Middle East from Spring to ISIS

Methods and Ethics in Fieldwork Seminar of the Department of Conflict and Development Studies (Conflict Research Group and the Middle East and North Africa Research Group).

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Screening Global Uprisings - December 18, 2014

Films from the Frontlines

A film screening with Global Uprisings, organized by the Conflict Research Group and the Middle East and North Africa Research Group.

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Global Studies Research Seminar - Spring 2015

Critical Global Studies:

interdisciplinary entry points for research

The Research Seminar of the Ghent Centre for Global Studies is on offer as an intensive specialized course of the Doctoral Schools of Ghent University.Read more