New publication - Historicizing Global Studies

Potentials and Challenges of Global Studies for the 21st Century

Eric Vanhaute, member of the GCGS steering committee and head of the Research Group Communities, Comparisons, Connections, has contributed to the Special Issue on Potentials and Challenges of Global Studies for the 21st Century of the academic E-journal Global Europe – Basel Papers on Europe in a Global Perspective, published by the Institute for European Global Studies at the University of Basel. Read more

Lecture by Poul Nielson - former EU commissioner for Development - November 25, 2014

New challenges and trends in EU Development cooperation

Organized by the Centre for EU Studies of Ghent University. Read more

Lecture by Koert Debeuf and panel debate - December 1, 2014

This is not an Arab Spring. It is an Arab Revolution

This event is jointly organized by the Middle East en North Africa Research Group and the Communities, Comparisons and Connections Research Group.Read more

Lecture by Fahim Quadir - December 1, 2014

Solidarity aid or realpolitik

Understanding the role of Southern aid providers in Development Cooperation

Organized by the Ghent Institute for International Studies.Read more

Seminar on G20 Development Policy - December 2, 2014

The G20 Seoul Development Consensus:

Analysis, Evaluation, Legitimacy

This event is jointly organized by the Ghent Institute for International Studies and the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies in the framework of the Scientific Research Network on the G20 funded by the Research Foundation Flanders.Read more

Workshop reports - Annual Research Day - October 24, 2014

On Friday October 24, the Ghent Centre for Global Studies organized its annual Research Day. Read the workshop reports here.Read more

Workshop Report (4) - Annual Research Day - October 24, 2014

Global Uprisings? On resistance, violence and democracy

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Workshop Report (3) - Annual Research Day - October 24, 2014

Globalization, uneven development and economic inequality

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Workshop Report (2) - Annual Research Day - October 24, 2014

Land and natural resources: property and power in a globalizing world

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Workshop Report (1) - Annual Research Day - October 24, 2014

Globalization and the state: how not to get lost in translation

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