Keynote lecture by Ipsita Chatterjee - Annual Research Day - October 24, 2014

Globalization, Revolution and the New Urban Condition

Watch the lecture online.

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International Conference - 10-12 September 2014

Whither the Early Modern State?

Fifteenth-Century State Formations across Eurasia. Connections, Divergences, and Comparisons.

Closing conference of the ERC-funded project "The Mamlukisation of the Mamluk Sultanate (MMS): Political Traditions and State Formation in the 15th-Century Egypt and Syria", directed by GCGS-member, Professor Jo Van Steenbergen.Read more

Annual Research Day - 24 October 2014

Keynote lecture by Ipsita Chatterjee, University of North Texas:

Globalization, Revolution and the New Urban Condition

On Friday October 24, the Ghent Centre for Global Studies organizes its annual Research Day, which aims to bring together all (junior and senior) researchers of its 10 affiliated research groups, for an interdisciplinary dialogue on common research themes, different approaches and theoretical perspectives. Read more

U4 Conference - 26 & 27 June 2014

Global Studies: Critical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Keynote lecture by Kees van der Pijl, prof. em. University of Sussex:                                "The Discipline of Western Supremacy"

The Ghent Centre for Global Studies is proud to organise and host this conference of the Cluster Social Sciences, Economics and Law of the U4 University Network (Ghent, Groningen, Uppsala, Göttingen).Read more

International workshop - 12 & 13 November 2014

'Beyond the straw men.'

Post-colonial urban theory and ‘Western’ urban theory: perspectives and possibilities

This small-scale interdisciplinary workshop, with the confirmed participation of Jenny Robinson, Filip De Boeck and Yaşar Adanalı, intends to engage with the recent wave of scholarship on postcolonial urbanism that seeks to unhinge, unsettle, contextualize or 'provincialize' Western notions of urban development. Read more

Public lecture series - Spring 2014

public lecture series-web

All students and staff of Ghent University and members of the public are invited to the lecture series 'Critical perspectives on a globalizing world', from February to May 2014. Following up on the Academic Session on the social and political relevance of Global Studies, with which we launched the GCGS on 28 October 2013, we have the honour of hosting 4 public lectures by renowned international scholars, who will offer the most recent, innovative perspectives on  globalization processes, allowing for a more critical and profound understanding of some of the most burning global issues of today, including the financial and economic crisis, uneven development, global governance and global justice.

GCGS succesfully launched!

Ghent Centre for Global Studies officially launched

Launch Academic SessionOn Monday October 28, 2013, we have officially launched the Ghent Centre for Global Studies, with interdisciplinary workshops and a public Academic Session, followed by a reception. We had the honour of being joined by 3 distinguished guest speakers Matthias Middell, professor of Global History and Director of the Global and European Studies Institute at the University of Leipzig; Peter Taylor, professor of Human Geography at Northumbria University and founder-director of the Globalization and World Cities Research Network; and Heather Widdows, Professor of Global Ethics and Director of the Centre for the Study of Global Ethics at the University of Birmingham.

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Matthias Middell - Lecture Launch

What is Global Studies all about?

Lecture by Matthias Middell, Professor of Global History and Director of the Global and European Studies Institute of the University of Leipzig, at the Academic Session 'Critical Global Studies in a Globalizing World', the official Launch of the Ghent Centre for Global Studies on October 28, 2013.

Heather Widdows - Lecture Launch

What Global Ethics can do and why it matters

Lecture by Heather Widdows, Professor of Global Ethics and Director of the Centre for the Study of Global Ethics of the University of Birmingham, at the Academic Session 'Critical Global Studies in a Globalizing World', the official Launch of the Ghent Centre for Global Studies on October 28, 2013.

Peter Taylor - Lecture Launch

Green networks of cities: the necessity for Global Studies

Lecture by Peter Taylor, Professor of Human Geography at Northumbria University, founder-director of the Globalization and World Cities Research Network, and Doctor Honoris Causa at Ghent University, at the Academic Session 'Critical Global Studies in a Globalizing World', the official Launch of the Ghent Centre for Global Studies on October 28, 2013.